Weight Management
Product Recommendation #1: Protein Powder
When trying to lose weight we recommend starting with a Whey Protein Isolate powder. Whey Isolate protein is a low calorie, fast digesting product that will help your body recover quickly which will help you add lean muscle to your body. The leaner muscle your body has the more efficient your body becomes at burning fat. We recommend taking in the morning and post workout.

Iso Surge 1.6lbs

Hydropure 1.6lbs

Beyond Yourself
Isolate 2lbs

Allmax Nutrition
Isoflex 2lbs

Pure Vita Labs (PVL)
PVL Gold Series Iso Gold 2lbs
Product Recommendation #2: Greens
A greens product will provide your body with the essential vitamins and minerals you need to digest and utilize the food you are consuming. This will further improve both your everyday gut health and your recovery after a workout. Proper digestion and recovery will help improve your body’s ability to burn fat and ultimately achieve those weight loss goals. We recommend taking greens with your first meal of the day.

Believe Supplements
Superfoods + Greens 30 Servings

North Coast Naturals
Ultimate Daily Greens 270g

TC Nutrition
Essential Greens 30 Servings

Allmax Nutrition
Allmax Naturals Cytogreens 30 Servings

EHP Labs
Oxygreens 30 Servings
Product Recommendation #3: BCAAs/EAAs
Since our bodies cannot naturally make essential amino acids, we must consume these through diet or supplementation. Amino Acids help promote recovery and help prevent muscle breakdown - especially during cardiovascular exercise. The more your lean muscle can repair itself, the more your efficiently your body can burn fat. We recommend taking amino acids during or after your workout.

TC Nutrition
Hydramino 40 Servings

Believe Supplements
Performance EAA 30 Servings

Pure Vita Labs (PVL)
PVL EAA Complete+ 30 Servings

BCAA 9.7 30 Servings

ANS Performance
Quench EAA 30 Servings
Product Recommendation #4: Weight Management Product
Fat Burners increase calorie expenditure and aid in the utilization of fat for an energy source. Much like any caffeinated product, you should limit to consuming once every 4 hours. There are also some great caffeine-free weight management products available. We recommend taking first thing in the morning, at lunch and/or prior to exercise.

EHP Labs
Oxyshred Ultra Concentration 60 Servings

ANS Performance
Diablo 35 Servings

Allmax Nutrition
Liquid L-Carnitine 473ml

Carnibolic 30 Servings
Product Recommendation #5: Multi-Vitamin
A Multi Vitamin product will provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals that are required to regulate your metabolism and help promote proper recovery. We recommend taking with your first meal of the deal.