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Shop By
  1. Axe & Sledge 5 items
  2. CBUM X RAW 6 items
  3. Sweet Nutrition 1 item
  4. TC Nutrition 9 items
  5. ZoRaw 1 item
  6. 3D Energy 9 items
  7. Alani Nu 10 items
  8. Allmax Nutrition 59 items
  9. ANS Performance 22 items
  10. Beyond Yourself 11 items
  11. Biosteel 3 items
  12. Blue Star Nutraceuticals 9 items
  13. BSN 1 item
  14. Cellucor 6 items
  15. Dymatize Nutrition 2 items
  16. EFX Sports 7 items
  17. Fizzique 1 item
  18. G Hughes 7 items
  19. GAT Sport 1 item
  20. Ghost 13 items
  21. Herbaland Naturals 2 items
  22. Jym Supplements 3 items
  23. King Performance 13 items
  24. Labrada 1 item
  25. Mammoth Supplements 10 items
  26. Mars Inc. 5 items
  27. Mutant 16 items
  28. Nutrabolics 17 items
  29. Nutraphase 2 items
  30. Optimum Nutrition 12 items
  31. Perfect Sports 16 items
  32. PEScience 16 items
  33. Pro Supps 3 items
  34. Pure Vita Labs (PVL) 19 items
  35. Quest Nutrition 13 items
  36. Redcon1 6 items
  37. Reign 1 item
  38. Scivation 2 items
  39. Smart Sweets 3 items
  40. VNDL Project 12 items
  41. Yummy Sports 8 items
  42. 321 Glo 1 item
  43. All Black Everything 3 items
  44. Anabar 1 item
  45. Avoine Doree 2 items
  46. Ballistic Supps 18 items
  47. Barebells 1 item
  48. Better Bears 1 item
  49. Bucked Up 7 items
  50. Built Brands 1 item
  51. CanPrev 28 items
  52. Chef Woo 1 item
  53. Cutler Nutrition 2 items
  54. Eat Me Guilt Free 1 item
  55. EHP Labs 8 items
  56. Fortitude Health 4 items
  57. Go! Nutrition 2 items
  58. Lenny & Larry's 1 item
  59. Liquid Muscle 2kg 1 item
  60. Mas+ By Messi 1 item
  61. Nature's Best 2 items
  62. Nuts N' More 2 items
  63. Oatmeal Gold 1 item
  64. Ohana Liquids 1 item
  65. Omaha Protein Popcorn Company 1 item
  66. Pow Puffs 1 item
  67. Prime 2 items
  68. Protein Candy 1 item
  69. Quality Pasta 3 items
  70. Revive 8 items
  71. Rival Nutrition 5 items
  72. Rule 1 10 items
  73. Ryse Supps 6 items
  74. Sana 1 item
  75. Siip 2 items
  76. Steeves Maples 1 item
  77. Truely 2 items
  78. Bang Energy 1 item
  79. Believe Supplements 22 items
  80. Allmax 1 item
  81. iForce 1 item
  82. Con Cret 1 item
  83. Forta Health 1 item
  84. ON 1 item
  85. Grenade 2 items
  86. Himalaya Herbals 4 items
  87. iForce Nutrition 1 item
  88. IWon Organics 2 items
  89. Kiss My Keto 3 items
  90. Legendary Foods 3 items
  91. Liquid Muscle 1 item
  92. Mama T 1 item
  93. North Coast Naturals 6 items
  94. Nuts N’ More 1 item
  95. One1 Brands 2 items
  96. PB2 Foods 1 item
  97. Performa 1 item
  98. PhD 2 items
  99. Science In Sport 2 items
  100. Sinfit Nutrition 2 items
  101. Supplement King 61 items
  102. Synergenix 1 item
  103. The Mammoth Mug 3 items
  104. Walden Farms 2 items
  • About Us

    Supplement King exists to help Canadians improve, achieve, and create better health and fitness. Our combination of the right product mix, industry expertise and a contagious competitive spirit continues to raise the bar in supplement retail channel. With over 104+ locations across the country, more and more Canadians rely on Supplement King for unbeatable value and an industry leading retail experience.

    Growth | Locally Owned and Operated

    Supplement King is the fastest growing supplement retailer in Canada with over 100 locally owned and operated locations from coast to coast. We’ve opened 50 locations in the last 4 years, and are slated to open 75 more by 2028. We’re looking for entrepreneurs with a strong work ethic, with a business/management background, who understand and are passionate about the growing health and fitness community. You should be competitive, charismatic, attentive to detail, approachable and professional in your interactions with our customers and corporate teams. A foundational knowledge of supplements is an asset, but not mandatory – we’ll provide the training needed to become the expert.

    Benefits of Supplement King

    We’re here to ensure your success from the beginning - Supplement King is perfectly poised for development with the right operator. Our unique system provides a competitive advantage over both Canadian and American supplement retailers.

        • A proven business plan designed to help licensees achieve their goals
        • Multi-store growth opportunity, high rate of re-investment (90% of stores are owned by multi-site operators)
        • 60 day construction / fixturing process lead by our preferred general contractors
        • Real Estate/leasing is managed and procured by our national corporate leasing director
        • Strong national brand equity and industry leading flyer program
        • Negotiated promotional offers and vendor terms with industry leading distributors and brands
        • Strong social media presence, with national media buy, content creator program and marketing support/guidance
        • An executive team committed to building profitable, long term businesses for franchisees
        • Extensive owner and associate training and onboarding programs
        • Turn-key business systems with volume leveraged costs across all expense categories
        • Proprietary Point Of Sale system with pricing and customer data information managed by head office
        • Fiercely loyal clientele with strong YOY same store sales growth
        • Unique e-commerce, brick and mortar hybrid retailer - the only Canadian supplement website built specifically to benefit store owners.

        Investment Requirements

        • Investment opportunities start at $160,000, with total project costs ranging from $400,000 - $500,000
        • Owner/Operator for first franchise location


        Our network of owners make everything possible. They help build a strong national brand and continually raise the bar for the supplement retail experience. We have over 75 locations across Canada, a revolutionary webstore and we’re just getting started. 

        - Roger King, President