Improve Sleep
Product Recommendation #1: Sleep Aid
If you are feeling sluggish throughout the day and don’t have the energy to exercise it can be a sign of insufficient sleep. We recommend taking a sleep aid product that will promote a deep REM sleep. This will help you recover better, optimize your hormone levels, improve alertness and better your focus.

Beyond Yourself
Amino Zzz 30 Servings

TC Nutrition
Hydramino PM 30 Servings
Product Recommendation #2: Greens
If you are feeling sluggish throughout the day you could be nutrient deficient. We always first recommend consuming a healthy, high protein diet with your fruits and vegetables while also adding a greens supplement to your daily regimen. A greens product will provide your body with the essential vitamins and minerals you need to digest and utilize your food, recover after your workout, and have more energy throughout the day. We recommend taking greens with your first meal of the day.

Believe Supplements
Superfoods + Greens 30 Servings

North Coast Naturals
Ultimate Daily Greens 270g

TC Nutrition
Essential Greens 30 Servings

Allmax Nutrition
Allmax Naturals Cytogreens 30 Servings

EHP Labs
Oxygreens 30 Servings
Product Recommendation #3: Hydration/BCAAs/EAAs
Being tired throughout the day can be a sign of de-hydration. We recommend consuming lots of water and electrolytes. Adding a BCAA/EAA/Hydration product that has electrolytes intra-workout or anytime through the day will keep you hydrated.

TC Nutrition
Hydramino 40 Servings

Believe Supplements
Performance EAA 30 Servings

Perfect Sports
Hydro Splash 45 Servings

Xtend 30 Servings

Yummy Sports
Hydra+ Electrolytes 30 Servings
Product Recommendation #4: Multi-Vitamin
A multi-vitamin product will provide your body with the essential vitamins and minerals you need to regulate your metabolism and have the natural energy required to get through your day without added caffeine. Regulating your sleep cycle is highly dependent on having the proper intake of vitamins and minerals and avoiding excessive caffeine intake. We recommend taking your multi-vitamin with your first meal of the day.
Product Recommendation #5: Adrenal Support
Stress, anxiety and high cortisol levels can be linked to the length and depth of your sleep. We recommend taking an adrenal support product to promote a deeper sleep, reduce cortisol levels and improve mood and energy throughout the day.